Control Point

Control Point: A Temporary Facility


We need your help!

Curated by artists Sovay Berriman and Steven Paige Control Point: A Temporary Facility is an information and research station working with artists active in the city of Plymouth. A series of activities, including seminars, screenings and dialogues will investigate ideas around artist-led and independent activity, peer learning, CPD and networking. This project will offer artist and audience alike an opportunity to consider and examine how to accomplish significance and arm themselves with skills for artistic survival in the current climate.

With two tiers of activity, a core team of enablers and agents and a larger team of aides and stewards, Plymouth Arts Centre becomes a regional, national and international hub connecting artists, curators, organisations and teamsters. Plymouth-based artists will be recruited as Operatives; once given a position relevant to their individual experience and aims they will begin their research, gathering material, through residencies, visits, hosting and correspondence. This process will fuel real outcomes for visiting audiences and, the Operatives themselves within and beyond Plymouth Arts Centre. The residence of Control Point: a Temporary Facility will expire in the New Year, whilst its influence will continue to be felt in the new relationships formed through the process and, in the living resource of the Operatives.


There are two ranks of Operative, Agents and Stewards, both have very different levels of responsibility. Both ranks will be given the opportunity to present their work or an aspect of their practice publicly within Control Point: A Temporary Facility.

- Agents will be responsible for much research gathering; they will be active in the gallery and beyond extending networks and their own practices. They will also assist in the supervision of Stewards.

- Stewards will assist Agents in their research and the public in their navigation of the facility.

This opportunity is open to artists, writers, curators and arts administrators currently active in Plymouth.

Please email with
'Operative Call' in the subject line to request your application form.